With SaaS Product, you can bootstrap fully functional SaaS Software in minutes.

Our Project + Framework allows you to focus on the unique features of your App, not solved problems like Login, Subscription logic, and User Management
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Getting Started With SaaS Product

Pre-Requisites for this tutorial

Get Started

Don’t want to get a Digital Ocean or Stripe Account? You can install and work locally using this tutorial.

Beginners Corner

Workflow Patterns

Setting Up Your Infrastructure

Step 1. Create your Digital Ocean Droplet

Step 2. Purchase a domain if you don’t already have one, and Point your A Records to the IP Address of the Digital Ocean Droplet.

Step 3. Create a new Gmail account, if you don’t already have one, for sending Administrative Emails and Password Resets.

Step 4. Create your Stripe API Key – and have it ready to copy and paste.

When you complete this tutorial, you will have a fully functioning, properly setup and deployed solution, launched on your domain. This setup process includes setting up fully automated deployments, so you’ll be able to deploy your App by doing a ‘git push’ command.

Setup Your Cloud Server

# SSH Into Your Digital Ocean Account, then run these commands
git clone https://github.com/AdamMichaelArthur/saas-product.git
cd saas-product
bash install.dev.sh
# Insert Video Here Of Installing SaaS Product

The install.dev.sh installation script will prompt you for a few answers. In most cases, you can accept the defaults. If you leave the Stripe API Key empty, (not recommended) the project will be setup without a functioning Stripe Integration. You’ll still be able to start development, but none of the Subscription and Payment Management features will be enabled. Testing Your Installation

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