Setting up your local development environment

# Setting Up Your Local Development Environment

Go back to the terminal window where you launched your setup script.  Find the text that reads "clone your repo here", and let's open up a new tab.  You'll want navigate into your preferred working directory, on my machine I have a folder called OpenProjects where I like to keep everything I'm actively working on.  Once there, go ahead and paste the command and execute it.  This will clone the repo onto your local machine.  You'll notice that you're cloning from your Digital Ocean server, not GitHub.

Once the download is complete, we'll go ahead and navigate to the directory.  This time, however, we'll run bash  This script will setup the development environment on your local machine.  What's nice about these two installation scripts is that they save hours of configuration time, and get everything setup just right so you can start coding.

A few things to note.  This script is optimized for MacOS.  If you're running this on a Windows or Linux machine, this script probably won't work and you'll need to setup your local development environment manually.

Once it's done running, you'll be given the URL where the installation is running on your local machine.  Let's go ahead and open it up and like with the installation on the server, go ahead and check and make sure everything is working.  Once satisfied that the installation worked, I like to Bookmark both URL's for easy access.
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